Zoology - Theses

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    Triple jeopardy in the tropics: assessing extinction risk in Australia's freshwater biodiversity hotspot
    Le Feuvre, Matthew Charles ( 2017)
    Freshwaters are the most degraded and imperiled ecosystem globally. Despite this high vulnerability, conservation efforts in freshwaters often lag behind those in terrestrial and marine ecosystems. In Australia this is particularly evident; despite high levels of river degradation, few freshwater fishes have had their conservation status assessed and only 14% of fishes are listed. Most listed species are restricted to southern Australia where rivers are particularly degraded. Northern Australia’s rivers are very diverse with many highly range restricted fishes. Yet almost no species are listed, despite potential vulnerability and an increasing number of threats across the north. Nowhere is this more evident than the Kimberley region in the north-west, where 49% of species are restricted to three or fewer rivers, and 10% are restricted to an area of <20 km2. Very little is known about the ecology of the region’s endemic fishes, so their vulnerability cannot be assessed. In my thesis I assess extinction risk in the freshwater fishes of the Kimberley using the triple jeopardy framework, that is whether they have small geographic ranges, low abundances and/or narrow ecological niches. Specifically I aim to (1) determine the relationships between range size, body size and abundance in all Australian freshwater fishes and (2) whether these relationships can be used to identify species at risk of extinction. I then determine whether (3) small ranged Kimberley endemics have narrow habitat, dietary or thermal niches compared to closely related widespread species and (4) synthesize these results to identify the fishes most at risk of extinction in the Kimberley. First, I test for a relationship between geographic range size and body size in all Australian freshwater fishes. I then investigate how this relationship varies with conservation status. I identify currently unlisted freshwater fishes that share traits with listed species and map their distribution, along with freshwater fish research effort, across Australia. I found a positive relationship between range size and body size. For a given body size, conservation listed species have a range less than one tenth the size of unlisted species. Based on this relationship, I identified 55 additional species that may be vulnerable to extinction. Most of these species are restricted to northern Australia where freshwater fishes are poorly known due to low research effort. Second, I test for abundance-geographic range size and abundance-body size relationships in Australian freshwater fishes and investigate how these relationships vary with conservation status. I identify and map currently unlisted freshwater fishes that are numerically rare, and combined with the results outlined above, map species with a double jeopardy risk of extinction. I found a negative body size-abundance relationship and no correlation between range size and abundance. Although relative abundance was a poor predictor of current conservation listing, I identified 59 consistently rare species. Twenty of these species (34%) currently suffer a double jeopardy risk of extinction and all were restricted to northern Australia. Third, using closely related widespread and endemic congeneric pairings of Kimberley freshwater fishes, I investigate whether endemic species have narrow dietary niches at any stage during their development. Using qualitative measures of habitat and presence/absence data, I also assess habitat specialization. Most range-restricted species have narrower ecological niches making them more vulnerable to extinction. Fourth I test the thermal performance of two pairs of congeneric species that are sympatric in the Drysdale River, with one widely distributed species and one range restricted species in each pair. In the Syncomistes pair, resting metabolic rate (RMR) was similar between species at low temperature but at higher temperatures the RMR of the widespread species was lower due to the onset of anaerobiosis. The range-restricted Syncomistes also has a higher critical thermal limit (CTL). In the Melanotaenia pair, the results were the opposite, with the widespread species having a higher CTL and RMR. The thermal performance of each species was related to their distribution within the catchment rather than their geographic range size, with the thermally sensitive species dominating the cooler, perennial downstream reaches, and the hardier species being more abundant in the hotter, more ephemeral upper catchment. Finally, I use the above information to assess the triple jeopardy extinction risk in the fishes of the Kimberley. Seventy-nine per cent of Kimberley endemic fishes are vulnerable on one or more axis, and two species had a triple jeopardy risk of extinction. The majority of vulnerable species are found in the remote rivers of the north-western Kimberley, but the most imperiled species (Hypseleotris kimberleyensis) is restricted to the heavily degraded Fitzroy River. My thesis shows that, despite fundamentally different environments, life histories and dispersal capacity, Australian freshwater fishes exhibit range size, body size and abundance relationships largely similar to terrestrial fauna. By identifying northern Australia as a hotspot of unrecognized vulnerable species, I provide an important context for guiding targeted research and informing future conservation management of Australia’s freshwater fishes. Combined with their small ranges and/or low abundance, the narrower niches of most Kimberley endemic species makes the region’s fishes particularly extinction prone. By identifying which endemic species are most vulnerable, my study provides specific information for targeting conservation efforts in the region. As the Kimberley and northern Australia more broadly are earmarked for major development, substantial effort is needed to effectively manage fish populations, design and manage developments with the environment as a major stakeholder and preserve remote rivers with high endemism and extinction risk. However, as northern Australia’s rivers are in good condition, with planning and research there is an excellent opportunity for proactive, properly informed freshwater conservation across the region.
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    Male obesity negatively affects fecundity; reducing seminal plasma quality, embryo physiology and pregnancy health
    Binder, Natalie K. ( 2015)
    Australia is echoing trends seen across the globe with steadily increasing rates of obesity. Worldwide, the rate of obesity has nearly doubled in the past three decades, and in particular, obesity amongst men of reproductive age has tripled. While an association between excessive weight and subfertility is now largely recognised, the consequences of male obesity on reproductive function are poorly understood. The aim of the work carried out in this thesis was to investigate the effects of male obesity on preimplantation embryo development and subsequent fetal health, and identify changes in the spermatozoa and seminal plasma of obese men that might result in compromised pregnancies. The glut of data regarding the effect of male obesity on fertility, implantation and pregnancy health originates from fertility clinics, with study cohorts biased towards a subfertile population and influenced by numerous lifestyle factors. Comparatively, animal models are free of confounding variables. Male C57Bl/6 mice were fed a high fat ‘Western fast food’ style diet to induce obesity, and used for sample generation. Obese mice gained significantly more weight than their normal counterparts and had significantly increased body fat. Appropriately timed development is a key indicator of embryo quality. Embryos were examined under time-lapse microscopy to assess timing of cleavage events. Embryos derived from obese males were slower than normal from as early as pronuclear fusion. These embryos also had aberrant preimplantation metabolism and mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as disproportionate allocation of cells to the inner cell mass and trophectoderm. When these embryos were transferred to recipient female mice, embryos derived from obese fathers resulted in a successful pregnancy less often than their normal counterparts. Further examination revealed this to be the result of poor embryo implantation. Modelling attachment and the initial stages of implantation in vitro showed embryos derived from obese fathers attached to the extracellular matrix at the same rate as normal, but had decreased outgrowth over the culture period. When embryos derived from obese fathers did result in a successful pregnancy, placentas were significantly smaller than normal and fetal growth was restricted. While male and female fetuses appeared equally affected morphologically, molecular changes as a result of paternal obesity were identified as sex-specific. Female placentas derived from obese fathers had significantly increased global DNA methylation, and male placentas had altered RNA levels of a number of key metabolic and apoptotic genes. These changes in embryo, fetal and placental development do not appear to be the result of gross morphological changes to the spermatozoa of obese males. Total sperm count, motility and acrosomal reaction were all unaffected by obesity. However, RNA levels of cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV isoform 1 were significantly higher in the spermatozoa of obese males compared to normal. Furthermore, the protein and carbohydrate milieu of the seminal plasma was significantly affected by obesity. The findings within this thesis demonstrate the significant effect of male obesity on reproductive fitness, affecting preimplantation embryo development and subsequent pregnancy health, as well as seminal plasma composition. Furthermore, this work highlights the importance of paternal health prior to conception, a factor often overlooked in the making of a healthy baby.
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    Competition and coexistence: the ecology of sympatric common and mountain brushtail possums (Trichosurus spp.)
    Gloury, April Maree ( 2014)
    Closely related species often possess similar ecology due to their shared phylogenetic history, and consequently they usually require similar resources. As a result, potential for competition between closely related species is high. Without the rapid renewal of shared resources, coexistence between such species can usually only occur in the presence of resource partitioning. I studied the ecology of sympatric common and mountain brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula and T. cunninghami) within a network of linear forest remnants in Boho South, north-east Victoria, with the aim of uncovering the processes facilitating coexistence between these congeneric species. Both common and mountain brushtails are primarily folivorous, arboreal/semi-arboreal marsupials, and occur sympatrically through some parts of their distributions. I examined three-dimensional resource partitioning by the foraging guild of arboreal marsupial folivores to which the two brushtail species belong. At Boho South, this guild included the koala, the greater glider and the common ringtail possum, in addition to the two brushtail species. I found that significant resource partitioning occurred in both the horizontal and vertical plane, with each species adopting a particular foraging niche with regard to tree species use and the available vegetation strata. Vertical stratification of such a diverse marsupial guild has not previously been demonstrated in temperate forest systems, and this result highlights the role of habitat heterogeneity in maintaining diverse faunal assemblages. I radio-tracked pairs of adult female common and mountain brushtails occurring in close sympatry in the linear forest remnants. Female mountain brushtails maintained home range areas more than twice the size of those of common brushtails, and the home ranges of mountain brushtails overlapped those of sympatric common brushtails more significantly than the reverse. Although the degree of total (95 %) home range overlap was high, the core (50 %) home ranges of study pairs overlapped significantly less. Patterns of den use between the two species were similar, with common and mountain brushtails using a mean of 6.0 ± 1.1 and 5.7 ± 1.4 dens per individual, respectively, over a mean of 15.5 months monitored per individual. The majority of den fixes were in tree hollows (75.7 % and 89.5 % of common and mountain brushtail den fixes, respectively). Vertical vegetation strata were used differently by each species, with common brushtail using the canopy and midstorey significantly more, and the understorey and ground layer significantly less, than mountain brushtails. The maintenance of relatively discrete core home range areas combined with fine-scale differences in use of tree species and vegetation strata appeared to facilitate the high degree of home range overlap between adult females. I conducted an extensive analysis of the diet of each species, examining faecal samples for both plant and fungal content. Dietary resources were strongly partitioned between the two brushtail species: common brushtails foraged primarily on Eucalyptus, while mountain brushtails foraged primarily on silver wattle. Common brushtails also consumed significantly more mistletoe foliage. Both species used fungal and floral food resources, however, these were also strongly partitioned between the two species: common brushtails supplemented their diet more often with flowers, while mountain brushtails consumed a greater amount and diversity of epigeal and sequesterate fungal taxa. Given the tripartite relationship occurring between sequesterate ectomycorrhizal fungi, the forest tree and shrub taxa with which the fungi form symbiotic relationships, and the mycophagous mammals that disperse fungal spores in their faeces, the consumption of sequesterate fungi by mountain brushtails is likely to play an important role in ecosystem health at Boho South, particularly given the local extinction of specialist fungivores, the potoroids, in this area. I propose that the strong partitioning of foliage between the two brushtail species, combined with an abundance of shelter resources in the form of suitable tree hollows, facilitates the stable coexistence of common and mountain brushtails at Boho South. By significantly reducing competition for food resources, dietary partitioning appears to allow each species to maintain home ranges that overlap strongly with those of their congeners. As the foraging niches of each brushtail species are consistent with other research on their digestive tolerances, I suggest that the divergent diets of common and mountain brushtails are a result of ecological character displacement having evolved in the two species to minimise competition for food resources. Current fine-scale partitioning of habitat components and supplementary food sources by common and mountain brushtails at Boho South are a possible further means by which these two species avoid competition for resources.