School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences - Theses

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    Oestrogens, isoflavones and the oestrous cycle of the ewe
    Hearnshaw, H ( 1972)
    The experimental work presented in this Thesis was carried out while the author was a recipient of a Commonwealth Post Graduate Scholarship. The supervision of the experimental work in Chapters 3 to 6 inclusive was delegated to Mr. I.A. Cumming and his willing help, advice and collaboration is gratefully acknowledged. Material contained in these Chapters was obtained from experiments carried out at the S.S. Cameron Laboratory, State Research Farm, Werribee, Victoria. Chapters 7 and 8 report results of Field Trials conducted in collaboration with Mr. J.M. Obst and the Officers of the S.A. Department of Agriculture, and Drs. R.J. Lightfoot and J.F. Smith and the Officers of the W.A. Department of Agriculture, respectively. The experimental programmes in the latter two chapters were mainly financed by the Australian Wool Board Funds allocated to my supervisor, Dr. J.R. Goding. The material presented in Chapters 4, 6 and 8 has been presented to the meetings of the Australian Society for Reproductive Biology (ASRB), 1971, and the Fourth Asia and Oceania Congress of Endocrinology, N.Z., 1971. The abstracts are listed at the end of the Preface. The general facilities of the State Research Farm, Werribee were made available for these studies and the author wishes to thank the Officer in Charge of the S.S. Cameron Laboratory, Dr. P.D. Mullaney and the past Acting Officer in Charge, Mr. A.D. North. Thanks must also be offered to Mr. J.B. McPherson, Manager of the State Research Farm and his staff for assistance in the purchase, feeding and general management of the flocks of sheep used for these studies. I would like to acknowledge the help and support received from my supervisor, Dr. J.R. Goding during the past two years, but particularly to thank him for his invaluable assistance and encouragement during the preparation of this manuscript. Dr. J.M. Brown and her technical assistants Misses J. Fratantaro and E. Renden generously performed the majority of the LH assays. The progesterone assays were done with the assistance of Miss B. Sinnott and under the guidance of Mr. J.M. Obst of the S.A. Department of Agriculture. Mr. G.J. Gyory of the Victorian Department of Agriculture carried out the isoflavone analyses, and Mr. R. Jardine also of the Victorian Department of Agriculture carried out the statistical analyses. Most of the experimental procedures required labour 24 hours a day and this was willingly provided by Agricultural Officers of the Victorian Department of Agriculture. My thanks and appreciation to Messrs. R.W. Baxter, T. Howard, W.B.H. McGregor, A.W. Makin, R.A. Parr and A.H. Williams. Assistance for these experiments was also given to me by my colleagues, Dr. M.A.deB. Blockey, Mr. L.P. Cahill, Dr. M. Cain, Mr. J. Cerini, Mrs. M.E.D. Cerini, Mr. W.A. Chamley, Mr. I.A. Cumming, Miss M.A. Curtis and Miss B.J. Mole. Invaluable technical assistance was given by Mesdames D. Baxter, M. Perry and Misses J. Fratantaro, E. Renden and E. Wilson. A special thank you must be offered to Mr. P. Langdon for the outstanding technical assistance and generous help which made so much of this work possible. The photographic work was done by Mr. W. Douglas and Mr. D. Rizzoli. Mrs. H. Constable typed all the drafts of the Thesis and the final manuscript was typed by Mrs. Adele Dowling. My thanks to all who have assisted me over the last two years.
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    Effects of some management factors on sheep and wool production
    Cannon, D. J ( 1970)
    It is difficult to be precise about the importance of the contributions made by the many people involved in this work. On a government research station and on private farms, field experiments inevitably involve many people. However, in each chapter presented in this thesis I made a major contribution in the planning, supervising and conducting of the experiment and in preparation of the results for publication. Where authorship has been shared, this is indicated at the beginning of each chapter. Some indication of the relative importance of contributions to this work is as follows:- Chapter I: The experiments were done on two sites, and at one of them Katamitite) I was directly responsible for the work. Chapters II, III: This work undertaken jointly with Mr. J.G. Bath, Chapters IV, V: This work was my responsibility. Chapter VI: The observations on sheep were my responsibility whereas those on pastures were the responsibility of Mr. J. Avery and Mr. I. Cameron. I prepared the manuscripts for chapters I to V and contributed to the preparation of that for chapter VI.