School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences - Theses

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    Sclerotinia minor in sunflowers : onset of disease and bioprotection with gliocladium virens
    Burgess, Diana R ( 1994)
    Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclerotinia minor) is a serious constraint to sunflower production in south-eastern Australia, where the lack of cultivars with adequate levels of resistance and the costs of chemical control make biocontrol an attractive option. Onset of disease in the field occurs at bud development. Field trials with the highly susceptible inbred line, PacF2582, confirmed the absence of disease during vegetative growth. A study of root development found a marked proliferation of lateral roots at GS 3.1-3.3 (early to mid-bud) in field-grown sunflowers and slightly earlier in glasshouse plants. Glasshouse studies demonstrated the susceptibility of vegetative stage plants to infection of lateral roots by one or 2 pre-germinated sclerotia. Onset of disease in soil inoculated to a high density with sclerotia was also delayed, generally until GS 1.5 (8 leaf), suggesting that occasional contact between roots and sclerotia is not sufficient for disease initiation. A model system was developed to examine the effects of surface microflora and exogenous nutrient on sclerotial germination. Field sclerotia, incubated on water agar disks, required surface sterilisation to relieve fungistatic dormancy. Root sap and exudates from sunflower lines stimulated germination of partially surface sterilised field sclerotia, as did root sap from non-host species. Germination rates were significantly higher with root nutrient from plants during vegetative growth than from plants at mid-bud stage. Exposure to root sap for more than 3 days was required for stimulation of germination in vitro. The germination response of soilconditioned culture sclerotia to nutrients was less consistent than that of field sclerotia. The results indicate that root nutrients have potential to stimulate germination during vegetative growth, but onset of disease awaits root proliferation at bud development. It was proposed that a threshold of root activity prolongs the exposure of sclerotia to root exudates, while overlapping rhizospheres may provide a critical concentration of nutrient for germination and mycelial development. An isolate of Gliocladium virens from disease-affected soil proved highly antagonistic to S. minor in culture. Seed treatment with G. virens suppressed disease induced by inoculation of lateral roots in pasteurised potting medium and in field soil. Significant disease control was also obtained by sowing seed into a plug of G. virens growing on V8-vermiculite or by pre-germination of seed with a culture of G. virens. Bioprotection by seed treatment with G. virens was evaluated at two field sites, and was effective in field microplots where disease incidence was less than 50%. Since G. virens, applied on seed, did not affect root growth and did not grow into the lateral root zone, it was concluded that seed treatment with G. virens creates a "cordon sanitaire" around the upper tap root, sufficient for bioprotection of inoculated plants in pots and field microplots. If seed priming techniques can be adapted to allow germination of G. virens on seed before sowing, it may be possible to enhance the cordon sanitaire and delay onset of disease in the field to obtain commercial yields.
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    An analysis of radiata pine-pasture agroforestry systems
    Kellas, J. D ( 1993)
    Agroforestry, the integration of forestry and agricultural production, requires an understanding of the interactions between trees, agriculture and the environment. This thesis presents an analysis of the effects of a variety of Radiata Pine-pasture agroforestry treatments on soil water, tree growth and form and pasture production together with a series of economic analyses using the FARMTREE model to simulate the various agroforestry regimes established at Carngham in western Victoria. The Carngham study site consists of a replicated randomized block design of five Radiata Pinepasture treatments. The treatments were: open pasture (no trees), 100 trees/ha (8 m x 12 m), 277 trees/ha-wide-spaced (4 m x 9 m), 277 trees/ha-5 row (5 rows, 4 x 3 m, with 10 row gap) and 1650 trees/ha (no pasture). Results, 11 years after tree establishment, show that soil water content under the various treatments has a cyclical pattern of recharge and discharge with an annual amplitude of approximately 100 mm. Within the 100 trees/ha and 277 trees/ha-5 row and 277 trees/ha-wide-spaced treatments, the soil water content was generally significantly less than under open pasture in the upper 170 cm of the upper profile. Within the 1650 trees/ha treatment, the trees utilize water to a depth of at least 270 cm. Tree form was influenced by tree density. Tree diameter decreased but height increased with tree density with the trees of largest volume produced in the 277 trees/ha-wide-spaced treatment. Variable-lift pruning was routinely applied on an annual basis from tree age 6 years, to minimize the internal knotty-core and to maximise the volume of knot-free timber produced. Pruning was virtually completed (to 6 m) after five or six annual treatments, and significant relationships between DOS (diameter over stubs) and various tree parameters were identified as predictors for determining the volume of the knotty-core. Agricultural production was assessed as net pasture production using rising-plate methodology during the major growth seasons. Trees in single rows, as in the 100 trees/ha and 277 trees/ha-wide-spaced treatments, had only a limited effect on net pasture production compared to the zone within 4.5 m from the trees in the 277 trees/ha-5 row treatment where pasture production was significantly less than in open pasture, or in the zone from 4.5 to 18 m from the tree line where there was a possible shelter benefit. Although pasture production was similar between treatments, animal production decreased with increasing tree density. Economic analyses using the FARMTREE model and progressive data from the Carngham trial showed that simulations of the agroforestry regimes at Carngham were more profitable than grazing alone using real discount rates up to 7%. The 277 trees/ha-wide-spaced regime returned the greatest net present values over the range of discount rates used. The optimum rotation length, assuming a 5% real discount rate, was 26 years. Based on the 277 trees/ha-5 row treatment, shelter benefits for agricultural production could be obtained with a distance between belts of 150 to 200 m and by leaving at least 10% of the trees unpruned. The Carngham trial represents one case study of Radiata Pine-pasture agroforestry for south west Victoria. On this basis, the data presented provides information on patterns and trends likely to be encountered in applying agroforestry to other locations in Victoria. The adoption of agroforestry requires ongoing research trials and demonstrations and the Carngham trial has been well planned and maintained and should be seen as a valuable asset for the advancement of agroforestry in Victoria.
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    Root-shoot interactions in the growth of irrigated white clover
    Blaikie, Samuel James ( 1993)
    White clover pastures support the dairy industry in the irrigated area of northern Victoria. However, pasture production is low because conditions for root growth are sub-optimal, particularly under flood irrigation. This thesis investigated the possibility that the growth of white clover can be increased by reducing the limitations to root growth. A series of experiments examined the response of white clover plants to various soil-based treatments and quantified relationships between root and shoot growth. Plants were grown in intact soil cores in the greenhouse with shoot and root growth measured by destructive harvest. The cores were collected from a range of field sites that were characterised by their different soil physical properties and the variation in pasture yield they supported. Other cores contained a sand-based potting mix in which the conditions for root growth were superior to the most productive field soil. Despite the large effects of soil treatment on white clover production, the growth of shoots and roots was highly correlated (R2>0.95). A prerequisite of high shoot yield is, therefore, a large root system. In one experiment, soil drying or defoliation perturbed the correlation but this disruption was only temporary. In another,experiment, the repeated cycles of drought stress that accompanied a series of extended irrigation intervals had no effect on the relationships between shoot and root growth. In field soils, the restrictions to root growth could not be overcome by intensive irrigation and fertiliser management. However, plants in the treatments in which the soil physical properties had been modified produced 4.0 - 6.5 times as much shoot DM compared with the least productive treatment. This suggests that the potential to improve pasture yield by amelioration of the soil physical properties is very large. Two further experiments were conducted in which either the soil texture or the frequency of irrigation varied between the upper and lower sections of the soil cores. In both cases the production of shoots was correlated with total root production. However, when `unfavourable' conditions restricted the growth of roots in one layer, extra growth of roots in the `favourable' layer was not sufficient to compensate. As a consequence, both total root and shoot growth were reduced. Taken together, these results suggest that there is a large scope to improve the yield of white clover by removing the restrictions to root growth that currently exist in field soils. This will probably entail both amelioration of the soil physical properties and careful management with respect to water and fertiliser applications. However, if the experiments reported here accurately reflect the field situation, then the growth of white clover pastures can only be maximised if the entire root zone is modified.