Faculty of Education - Research Publications

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    Arviointi ja erityyispedagogiikka [Assessment and special education]
    Nieminen, JH ; White, E ; Luostarinen, A ; Nieminen, JH (PS Kustannus, 2019)
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    Esteetön arviointi [Accessible evaluation]
    Nieminen, JH ; White, E ; Luostarinen, A ; Nieminen, JH (Santalahti-kustannus, 2019)
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    Technology-supported classrooms: New opportunities for communication and development of mathematical understanding
    Ball, L ; Stacey, K ; Büchter, A ; Glade, M ; Herold-Blasius, R ; Klinger, M ; Schacht, F ; Scherer, P (Springer Spektrum, 2019-06-03)
    This chapter provides an overview of some themes which have emerged over two decades of Bärbel Barzel’s work related to the teaching and learning of school mathematics with technology. The themes which are discussed include technology supporting mathematical communication, technology supporting cognitive activities and technology supporting an open classroom. Overall, the focus is on the potential for technology-supported classrooms to promote students’ understanding in secondary school mathematics. Four papers are used to illustrate Barzel’s contribution.
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    Making World Connections: Educational Leadership in High-need Schools
    Gurr, D ; Murakami, E ; Notman, R ; Murakami, E ; Gurr, D ; Notman, R (Information Age Publishing, 2019-01-01)
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    Governing Adult Education Policy Development in Europe: A critical appraisal of the Renewed Agenda for adult learning
    Milana, M ; Klatt, M ; McGrath, S ; Mulder, M ; Papier, J ; Suart, R (Springer, 2019-07-29)
    This handbook brings together and promotes research on the area of vocational education and training (VET).
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    Tactful Visitor, Scientific Observer, or 100 Percent Patriot? Ambassadorship in the Australia-US Fulbright Program
    Garner, A ; Kirkby, D ; Brogi, A ; Scott-Smith, G ; Snyder, D (University Press of Kentucky, 2019)
    The meaning of ambassadorship for scholars lies at the heart of the Fulbright program. As participants in a scheme that straddled the worlds of education and diplomacy, scholars were expected to act as unofficial ambassadors for their education systems, the program itself, and their country of origin. Yet the requirements and boundaries of this role were not always clear-cut. Unlike government representatives on foreign soil, who had strict protocols to guide their behavior in a range of social and political contexts, Fulbright scholars had to work things out for themselves, in both casual social situations and formal, public fora.
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    Panorama del liderazgo en escualas de alta complejidad (Panorama of leadership in high complexity schools),
    Gurr, D ; Weinstein, J ; Munoz, G (Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2019)
    Within the edited book there is a wide selection of ideas about leadership of schools in challenging circumstances and this chapter is designed to complement these by exploring ideas and research that I have found useful in thinking about this. After a short statement on the importance of leadership, the idea of challenging circumstances is explored by considering an example of how one country has constructed a measure of educational advantage that helps to locate schools on the challenging/advantaged continuum. Following this, studies from several countries that provide insights relevant to this important leadership area explored and an example of a principal successfully leading a school in a challenging context is provided. The conclusion provides eight summary statements in regard to leadership in challenging contexts that is likely to lead to school success.
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    Entering the Liminal Through the Side Door: A Child + Adult Response Project as a Portal for Student Voice and Deep Thinking
    Watkins, M ; Grant, G ; Coleman, K ; Meager, N ; Coutts, G ; Torres de, T (InSEA, 2019)
    We increasingly position young people as being and becoming active citizens with valid and important knowledge about their worlds, with evolving capacities and expertise needing to be valued and listened to (MacNaughton & Smith, 2008; United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, 2009). However, there is a paradox—we also see them as being somewhat cocooned from life’s realities, needing to be protected from the tensions, anxieties, and challenges experienced by adults. While we shield children from many of these experiences, they are inevitably and often intrinsically a part of their own lived narratives.
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    studioFive—A Site for Teaching, Research and Engagement in Australian Arts Education
    Wright, S ; Coleman, K ; Lum, CH ; Wagner, E (Springer, 2019-08-09)
    This chapter explores arts education in Australia through the S.P.A.C.E. ontology. Using studioFive within the Melbourne UNESCO Observatory of Arts Education at the University of Melbourne as a case study, this chapter foregrounds a multidisciplinary facility that offers numerous semiotic affordances, researchoriented processes, and ways to extend into intercultural research. Through such research capacity building, a broad aim of studioFive is to provide mentoring of next generation of arts-based educational researchers, to establish partnerships for further theory development, and to push the boundaries of research methodologies through which to surface and share the power of the arts in education and culture. studioFive is a purpose-built site for multi-modalities and cross- and interdisciplinary teaching, learning and research in arts education at the University of Melbourne. This chapter extends on this and advocates for an education-based approach, which considers the enactment of the Australian Curriculum, arts-based initial teacher education, the continued professional learning of teachers and the potential for intercultural, international research in, through and across the arts
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    Using Computer-Aided Argument Mapping to Teach Reasoning
    Davies, W ; Barnett, A ; van Gelder, T ; Blair, JA (Windsor Studies in Argumentation, 2019)
    Argument mapping is a way of diagramming the logical structure of an argument to explicitly and concisely represent reasoning. The use of argument mapping in critical thinking instruction has increased dramatically in recent decades. A brief history of argument mapping is provided at the end of this paper.