Faculty of Education - Research Publications

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    Jones, RL ; Waghorne, J ; Langton, M ; Jones, RL ; Waghorne, J ; Langton, M (Melbourne University Publishing, 2024)
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    An A/r/tographic Blueprint for Walking in Four Propositions
    Coleman, K ; Cook, PJ ; Irwin, RL ; Lee, NYS ; Baldus, AI ; Barney, DT ; Ursino, JM ; Eskandary, ZV (InSEA Publications, 2024-05-01)
    Our life narratives are intertwined and entangled with/in art, research and teaching. As digital a/r/tographers, our place stories have connections that have connected us further across spaces and sites. These are multiplicitous and invite new inter-actions and intra-actions across times. We-searching (Holman Jones & Harris, 2019) with Haraway digitally is an experiment that we followed as a series of propositions during 2020. A turn in our life narratives that hold us, yet opens us to living and working with and through the human, non-human and more-than-human interests us as re-searchers. This a/r/tographic blueprint for walking in four propositions explores making kin as a/r/tographers that work in often contested spaces of conservative educational research and across disciplinary boundaries.
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    Drawing, Writing, and Walking: An A/r/t/graphic Proposition in 7 Prompts
    Mallos, M ; Sajadi, N ; Coleman, KS ; Irwin, RL ; Lee, NYS ; Baldus, AI ; Barney, DT ; Ursino, JM ; Eskandary, ZV (InSEA Publications, 2024-05-01)
    This co-storied a/r/tographic proposition in seven prompts has been designed by three a/r/tographers at different stages of knowing between themselves, their worlds, and their practices in and through a/r/tography. We have co-designed these seven prompts in response to the renderings of a/r/tography from the spaces and places we have found ourselves in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. We live in the same city but each of our a/r/tographic practices and our inquiries differ. Our practices of living, walking, being, working, and travelling explore how the radical relatedness and collaborations (Bickel et al., 2010) found within an a/r/tography pedagogy and methodology occur. “Radical relatedness leads to further knowledge sources and cross disciplinary experience in regard to relational aesthetics, relational inquiry, and relational learning” (Bickel et al., 2010, p. 98). We believe that collaboration is central to our work as researchers and practitioners—we learn through, with, and together.
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    Transforming Education for a Post-COVID World
    Watterston, J ; Clinton, J ; Arkoudis, S ; Graham, L ; Rice, S ; Quay, J ; Goel, P ; Simmons, J ; Marwah, S ; Anderson, L ; Neuhaus, S ; Mahat, M (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024-03-18)
    This chapter traces the journey of the Faculty of Education through the pandemic, charting some of the challenges and opportunities in leading teaching and learning, research, international and engagement activities while maintaining its staff's health and emotional well-being. The chapter concludes with six significant educational challenges amplified during COVID-19 that must be addressed. These insights provide a road map for how higher education and academia can emerge from the pandemic fit for purpose and ready to contribute to our nation's and the world's future.
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    Youth Transitions
    Cuervo, H (Oxford University Press, 2022)
    The transitions young people make from school to work or further study have become increasingly complex, fragmented and non-linear over the past two decades. In part this is because economic and political forces have enabled the boundaries between school and work to become blurred: many high-school students are now engaged in the labour force part-time and many who have left high school can only find casual work rather than full-time employment. Young people undertaking further study at university are also often balancing this with a part-time job. In addition, an increasingly precarious labour market demands from young people and young adults a lifelong learning approach to be successful in the employment spere of their lives. As a result, the pathway from school to work is not a simple one-way street or linear process. Many young people may decide at a later stage to re-enter education or training, and many may change direction completely after making their initial career and /or study decisions. All of the decisions that young people make during this transitional process tend to have long-term consequences: for themselves, for their families and communities, and, in a broader sense, for the economy and society.
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    The Use of Digital Technologies in Teaching and Assessment
    Weigand, H-G ; Ball, L ; Faggiano, E ; Lavicza, Z ; Weinhandl, R ; Andjic, B ; Pepin, B ; Gueudet, G ; Choppin, J (Springer, 2023)
    Nowadays modern technologies can be found everywhere in our digital era leading to and requiring new competencies to be able to fully participate in society; consequently, digital competencies are indispensable for students. However, the development of students’ competencies requires teachers’ competencies, in particular knowledge and abilities to initiate processes for developing learners’ competencies in learning environments which can be both technologically rich and adaptive to new technologies. The new mathematical competencies required by students are becoming reflected in national and international policy documents and address numerous aims of globally stated directions. This chapter elaborates two areas, Teaching and Learning and Assessment, from the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu), through six examples that highlight possible uses of digital technologies in mathematics and illustrate how technologies can enhance the development of students’ competencies. These examples attempt to illuminate learners’ and teachers’ experience (and understanding) of mathematics and assessment (and how they might change) through integration of innovative, as well as commonly used, technologies. We summarize and generalize some main results in a way that could be taken as recommendations for teachers, teacher educators, and policymakers in relation to the implementation of digital technologies in the upcoming digital era.
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    Seeing what unfolds: new ways of exploring community art education in formal learning spaces
    Coleman, K ; Watkins, M ; Lin, C-C ; Sinner, A ; Irwin, R (Intellect, 2023-09-29)
    This book offers global perspectives on art education as a distinctive practice that emerges from community relationships.
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    Examining plurilingual repertoires: A focus on policy, practice, and assessment in the Australian context
    D'Warte, J ; Slaughter, Y ; Melo-Pfeifer, S ; Ollivier, C (Routledge, 2023-08-04)
    This chapter discusses policy, practice, and assessment research pertaining to plurilingualism in the Australian context, with a focus on mainstream classrooms. In the recent past, Australian language policy was pioneering in its support and promotion of the maintenance and acquisition of languages other than English. However, since the late 1980s, languages and education policy have predominantly been characterised by a relentless move towards monocultural and monolingual conceptualisations of language and literacy in curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment across Australian education systems. Discussion centres on the role of educational policy and practice and the affordances and challenges offered when plurilingualism is placed at the centre of teaching and learning in mainstream Australian classrooms. The chapter considers the linguistic, cognitive, and social benefits that can be derived from recognising and harnessing students' plurilingual repertoires, and the competing tensions of predominantly monolingual, monoglossic educational policies, curricula, and assessment frameworks. The central contention is that assessment practices are failing to keep pace with conceptual and pedagogical progress in the education system and are perpetuating reductive interpretations of language and literacy that continue to limit the effectiveness of current pedagogical change.
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    Teaching for group creativity by music teachers in Victorian schools: A creative process perspective
    King, F ; Sangiorgio, A (University of Music and Theatre Munich, 2023-01-18)
    Creativity involves an immersion in the creative process, a space where ideas and actions mingle for creative works to unfold. Teaching for creativity and creative processes for music educators were investigated in a doctoral study completed in 2020 in Victoria, Australia. In the study, teaching for creativity was focused on the way teachers facilitate children’s creative process experiences. The aim of this chapter is to discuss and reflect on the research outcomes, with particular focus on the emerging teaching strategies that support teachers to facilitate individual and small group creative work in music education experiences in primary schools. The research questions guiding the study focused on how educators teach for creativity and foster creative processes. The study was mixed methods in approach and adopted pragmatic and social constructivist worldviews. Data collection consisted of a sur-vey of ninety-two primary school teachers in Victoria and twelve individual semi-structured inter-views. The framework and model depict five teaching strategies. These are: 1. Nurture children’s creative processes, 2. Inspire imagination and experience, 3. Facilitate creative processes in the classroom, 4. Maximise the outcomes of creative processes, and 5. Foster self-directed learning. The findings reveal an interplay between teaching for creativity strategies to bolster and promote children’s active engagement in creative processes. The re-search has implications for the ways in which teachers plan for and approach teaching of group creativity in primary school music settings and offers insight into teaching for creativity through the lens of creative process.
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    Encountering a Pedagogy of the World in a University Setting
    Healy, S ; Coleman, K ; Sallis, RJ ; Belton, A ; Riddle, S ; Heffernan, A ; Bright, D (Taylor & Francis, 2021)
    Taking up Biesta’s (2019) notion of a pedagogy of the world, we ask: How might participating in an arts-based educational program with/in a university enable young people from schools with low Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) values to encounter the world of higher education differently and become different in that encounter? This chapter comes from our engagement with empirical material generated during a (post)qualitative inquiry into the pedagogy of The Art of Engagement-a multi-arts studio program involving relational pedagogy and a/r/tography as curriculum located in SPACE, 1 whereby secondary school students from schools in less socio-educationally advantaged communities came together with undergraduate university students for a five-day intensive within a University of Melbourne breadth subject. The program’s rationale was to connect with secondary school arts students completing their schooling in lower ICSEA value schools 2 through the design of authentic university encounters with/in site, practices and communities. It welcomed the secondary school students into the world of our university and enhanced their capacity to “be at home” in this world, creating the conditions for considering and potentially living different post-school futures.