Faculty of Education - Research Publications

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    Tertiary education policy in Australia
    Centre for the Study of Higher Education (Centre for the Study of Higher Education, 2013)
    The chapters focus on most of the main policy issues facing tertiary education in Australia in the last five years and in the three years to come. The chapters are research-based but prepared in a reader-friendly style to enhance discussion. They do not form a unified whole: there is no party line and some authors differ from others. The value of these chapters lies in their expertise. The authors are at the cutting edge of the issues they discuss. We hope that by treating the issues seriously here, other voices (lay and expert) will be encouraged and knowledge will advance, enabling better policies. Discussion alone does not achieve good government, but it provides better conditions for that objective. (From introduction)
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    Gezonde spanning: beleidsevaluatie van de MUB: eindrapport
    de Boer, Harry ; GOEDEGEBUURE, LEO ; Huisman, Jeroen ; Beerkens, Eric ; Deen, Jarno (Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), Universiteit Twente, [2005?])
    Aan het Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) van de Universiteit Twente is door het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap de opdracht verleend een evaluatiestudie uit te voeren naar de Modernisering Universitaire Bestuursorganisatie (MUB). Deze studie is uitgevoerd in de periode juni 2004 – juni 2005.